Friday, 24 December 2010

Escalation League

The main reason I started this blog was to record my adventures in the Escalation League ran by Kingdom of Adventure. The idea behind the league is that you start with a 750pt fully painted army, play a set amount of games, and then the points rise by 250pt each month. I got interested in this because a) I can build an army up over time thereby spreading cost. and b) Since I struggle to paint at the best of times, this will give me a deadline to get stuff done in.
I decided to go with a Warriors of Chaos army, mainly due to the fact they have some really good mini's, and I have never played an "evil" army before.

 I had in mind a themed Nurgle/Tzeentch list. I know they are opposed gods, however they are my favourite two. I plan to build on the core of the army each month, rarely changing much if at all. This will keep cost down, and gives it a feel of a rampaging army getting bigger as it wins (hopefully)

My 750 pt army was as follows:

Chaos Sorcerer: Lvl 2, Spell Familiar, Favour of the Gods, Bloodcurdling Roar. 160pt
19 Marauders: Hand Weapon, Shield, Full Command. 134pt
11 Chaos Warriors: Hand Weapon, Shield, Full Command. 206pt
5 Chaos Knights: Ensorcelled Weapon, Shield, Full Command. 250pt

The Sorcerer sits inside the Marauders, the thinking behind this is that against a shooting army, or a magic heavy army, they have 3 prime targets: The Sorcerer, the Warriors or the Knights. If I put the Sorcerer in with the Warriors, that only gives 2 prime targets, and the Marauders as secondary concern. Also if the Sorcerer miscasts, and detonates, I'd rather have the Marauders take the brunt than the more valuable Warriors. I decided to give them all Full Command, as this gives me the starting blocks if I decide to increase the size of the units.

I am not a particularly good painter, I can make tabletop standard, and occasionally a bit better than that. I decided to try a quick way of painting, using mainly washes. On models painted Nurgle, this makes the armour look dirty and slimy rather than flat and normal. The models looks decent on the tabletop, but after taking some pictures I can see some flaws on the minis. I'm going to go over them again at some point, picking up more details and redoing the odd area.

I hate all the Chaos Sorcerer models, they don't look like they are S4 T4, with a 4+ armour save! With that in mind I decided to look around for a better model. I liked the Dark Eldar Archon model just released from Games Workshop. It's a bit slimmer than the normal Chaos Warrior models, but that makes it stand out from them while still being believable.

The Marauders I didn't enjoy painting, since I had to do the whole unit in the one month. It was a trudge, but I prevailed in the end.
The Warriors were the first go of painting in this style, therefore they are the weakest of the ones I've done. Will go over them, redo the bases, and touch them up a bit.
Not overly happy how the horses came out for the Knights. Once again going to have to go back to them and redo. At least with the majority done, it's just patch work and not a complete do-over.

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