Friday, 24 December 2010

Escalation League Month One Results.

My first three matches in the KOA Escalation League were to be my trial by fire. I had never played Warriors of Chaos before, and I had never played 8th Edition yet. So I knew it would be interesting. You pick your army before the first game, you then use that list for the rest of the month, meaning you can't tailor armies to suit opponents, which I agree with. Makes player have to think of a balanced list.

My opponents were: 
Ogre Kingdoms
High Elves

I had went with Lore of Death with my Sorcerer, since I couldn't afford a Mark, and it had more uses than Lore of Fire. I could debuff Toughness, and Character assassinate with it's damage spells.

My first game was against the Ogres. This would be the one time I wasn't outnumbered units wise! This was a massacre. I killed his General with magic, although I did blow up half my Marauders with a Miscast! He failed two charges on the same turn, allowing me to charge the next, two combat turns later and I have wiped his army off the board.
Result: Victory by 875pt (General kill bonus, 1 Standard Captured)

Second was against High Elves, and it had a crap tonne of shooting. Two Units of Archers and a large block of Lothern Seaguard. I also got worried when the HE Mage drew Transformation of Kadon, his other spell was Pann’s Impenetrable Pelt.
Luckily the General had made some fundamental mistakes. He misread Pann’s Impenetrable Pelt, thinking it hit units, where it only affects characters. He also cast Transformation in his turn, turning into a Dragon in the process, however since he hadn't charged THEN cast the spell, I just dispelled it in my turn. The second time he cast it, he had maneuvered another unit too close, therefore not having room to place the model, causing it to fail automatically.
Bad luck wasn't just on his side, One turn of shooting and one Combat, left my Knights bleeding onto the grass. S3 versus T4 and a 2+ armour save? Doesn't help when a load of 5s and 6s are rolled, and then about then I roll naught but 1s!
Result: Victory by 600pt

Third was against Dwarfs. I knew already this would be tough. I was facing a gun line. 20 Thunderers, 2 cannons, 1 organ gun and a bolt thrower.
I knew I just had to rush forward as much as possible and hope I have enough left to kill him in combat. Luck was on my side, and some bad dice for my opponent meant I made it across the board with enough to crumple him. This game was frustrating to play, as it was me marching forward as much as possible, then watching my models fall when it was his turn. Even when combat happened, it was the same for my opponent. There was no tactical finesse, it was just a matter of who could survive the longest.
Result:  Victory by 146pt


Kraggi said...

It was our Game that convinced me to either ditch the Dwarves, or mix the army up a bit.

You pretty much did what you needed to, close game though lol.

Liking the blog tho, look forward to hearing about this months games!

Snarfeh said...

Hey, thanks for the comment. I hope you stick with the Dwarves. They have some decent units, and just hope you have fun games. Some of the best games I've had were down to the wire type games.